Dermaquest Treatments

Results-driven innovative products and treatments that address every need. Whether it’s for pigmentation, dehydration, sun damage, acne management or age management, our goal is to achieve skin perfection. A free consultation with a Dermaquest expert will decide a treatment and homecare plan.

  1. Dermaquest Resurfacers £90

    Superficial exfoliating treatments, formulated with a blend of AHA’s and BHA’s

  2. Dermaquest Chemical Peels £130

    Will penetrate beyond the top layer of skin and into the mid to lower sections of the epidermis where resurfacing treatments cannot reach. This delivers stronger and extended results.

  3. Collaboration Facial, CACI with Dermaquest £130

    Get instant results with this facial. It offers extreme hydration and smoothly textured skin. The power of a Resurfacer will immediately plump lines and wrinkles, giving a brilliant glow, and a renowned lift given by the CACI Synergy.